$750 OAS Benefits for Seniors in July & August 2024: Eligibility and Payment Dates Explained

Vikram Gupta
7 Min Read

The Old Age Security (OAS) program in Canada provides essential financial support for seniors. In 2024, eligible seniors will receive $750 in OAS benefits for the months of July and August. This increase is part of the government’s ongoing efforts to help older Canadians manage rising living costs. Understanding the eligibility requirements, payment dates, and how to claim these benefits is crucial for seniors looking to maximize their financial support.

This article provides detailed information on the $750 OAS benefits, ensuring you have all the necessary details to make informed decisions.

$750 OAS Benefits for Seniors in July & August 2024

The $750 OAS benefit for July and August 2024 is a direct response to the rising cost of living in Canada. Seniors aged 65 and older who meet specific eligibility criteria will receive these payments. To qualify, you must be a Canadian citizen or legal resident, have lived in Canada for at least 10 years since the age of 18, and be at least 65 years old. This financial boost helps seniors cover essential expenses such as food, housing, and healthcare, which have become increasingly expensive.

The Canadian government recognizes the challenges faced by older adults and aims to provide consistent support through the OAS program. The $750 payments for July and August reflect the government’s commitment to assisting seniors in maintaining their quality of life. By ensuring timely payments and adjusting amounts based on inflation, the government helps seniors manage their finances more effectively.


Payment Dates for $750 OAS Benefits in 2024

Receiving your OAS benefits on time is crucial for managing your monthly budget. For July 2024, the $750 OAS payment is scheduled to be deposited on July 27th. For August 2024, the payment will be deposited on August 29th. These dates are consistent with the regular payment schedule of the OAS program, ensuring that seniors receive their funds without delay.

$750 OAS Benefits for Seniors in July & August 2024: Eligibility and Payment Dates Explained

It’s important to note that if you do not receive your payment on the scheduled date, you should contact Service Canada for assistance. They can provide information on the status of your payment and help resolve any issues. Keeping your banking information up to date with Service Canada is also essential to avoid any disruptions in receiving your benefits.

Eligibility Criteria for $750 OAS Benefits

To receive the $750 OAS benefits in July and August 2024, you must meet certain eligibility criteria. These include:

  • Age: You must be at least 65 years old.
  • Residency: You must be a Canadian citizen or legal resident and have lived in Canada for at least 10 years since turning 18.
  • Income: There are no specific income requirements for the basic OAS pension, but additional benefits like the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) are income-tested.

Seniors who are eligible for OAS benefits must ensure they have applied for the program. If you haven’t applied yet, it’s essential to do so as soon as you approach your 65th birthday. The application process is straightforward and can be completed online through the Service Canada website or by mailing a paper application.

How to Claim the $750 OAS Benefits

Claiming your $750 OAS benefits involves a few simple steps. If you are already receiving OAS payments, you don’t need to take any additional action—the increased amount will be automatically deposited into your account. For those who are turning 65 and have not yet applied for OAS, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Apply Online or by Mail: Visit the Service Canada website to apply online or download the application form to mail in.
  2. Provide Necessary Documentation: Ensure you have all required documents, such as proof of age and residency.
  3. Submit Your Application: Submit your completed application and wait for confirmation from Service Canada.

Once your application is approved, you will start receiving OAS payments, including the $750 for July and August 2024. If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, you can contact Service Canada for support.

Additional Financial Support for Seniors

In addition to the $750 OAS benefits, seniors in Canada may be eligible for other financial support programs. These include the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), and various provincial and municipal programs. The GIS provides additional financial assistance to low-income seniors who receive OAS, helping to further alleviate financial strain.

Seniors can also benefit from tax credits and rebates, such as the Age Credit, Pension Income Credit, and property tax deferrals. These programs are designed to reduce the financial burden on older adults and help them maintain their independence and quality of life. It’s essential to explore all available options to maximize your financial support.


The $750 OAS benefits for seniors in July and August 2024 are a significant financial boost aimed at helping older Canadians manage their living expenses. By understanding the eligibility criteria, payment dates, and application process, seniors can ensure they receive these essential funds. Additionally, exploring other financial support programs can provide further assistance in maintaining a comfortable and secure lifestyle. Stay informed and take advantage of the available resources to enhance your financial well-being as a senior in Canada.

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