5 Zodiacs Who Are Really Miss Their Ex

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Breakups can be tough, and moving on isn’t always easy. For some people, the end of a relationship means a prolonged period of longing and nostalgia for their ex. While everyone handles heartache differently,

some zodiac signs are particularly prone to missing their former partners. Let’s dive into the astrological insights on which zodiacs find it hardest to let go of their exes.


Cancer, the nurturing and sensitive water sign, is known for its deep emotional connections and loyalty. When a relationship ends, Cancers often struggle to move on because they have invested so much emotionally.

They tend to reminisce about the good times and the emotional security their partner provided. Their sentimental nature means they hold on to memories and are often plagued by feelings of longing and regret, making it difficult for them to fully detach from their ex.


Taurus, an earth sign ruled by Venus, values stability and comfort in relationships. When they commit, they do so wholeheartedly and expect their relationships to be long-lasting. Because of their strong attachment to their partners,

Taurus individuals find it hard to let go when things don’t work out. They often miss the sense of security and routine their ex provided. Their stubborn nature can also make it challenging for them to accept the end of a relationship and move forward.


Pisces, the dreamy and romantic water sign, often idealizes their relationships and ex-partners. They have a tendency to see their past relationships through rose-colored glasses, remembering only the good times and downplaying any issues.

This idealization can lead to a profound sense of loss and longing when a relationship ends. Pisces’ empathetic and compassionate nature means they often remain emotionally connected to their ex, making it hard for them to move on.


Libra, the air sign ruled by Venus, thrives on companionship and harmony in relationships. They often feel incomplete without a partner and deeply miss the companionship of their ex. Libras are known for their indecisiveness, which can extend to their feelings about their past relationships.

They often wonder if they made the right decision and can get stuck in a cycle of longing and regret. Their desire for balance and partnership makes it difficult for them to let go of their ex.


Scorpio, the intense and passionate water sign, experiences relationships with deep emotional and physical connections. When a relationship ends, the intensity of their feelings doesn’t just disappear.

Scorpios are known for their loyalty and possessiveness, and they often struggle with feelings of betrayal and abandonment.

This can lead to a prolonged period of missing their ex and difficulty in forming new attachments. Scorpios need time to heal and process their emotions before they can move on.

Breaking up is never easy, but for these five zodiac signs, moving on can be particularly challenging. Their deep emotional connections, loyalty, and romantic idealizations often lead to a prolonged period of missing their ex-partners.

Understanding these astrological tendencies can provide insights into why some people find it harder to let go than others.

1. Why do some zodiac signs find it harder to move on after a breakup?

Some zodiac signs are more emotionally connected and loyal, making it challenging to let go. Signs like Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Libra, and Scorpio tend to hold onto past relationships due to their sentimental nature, desire for stability, and deep emotional ties.

2. How can Cancer deal with breakup emotions?

Cancers can benefit from expressing their emotions through writing, talking with friends, or engaging in creative activities. It’s essential for them to focus on self-care and creating new routines to help move forward.

3. What helps Taurus move on after a breakup?

Taurus individuals may find comfort in re-establishing stability in their lives by focusing on personal goals and indulging in comforting activities. It’s crucial for them to accept the change and allow themselves time to heal.

4. How do Pisces cope with breakups?

Pisces should try to stay grounded by acknowledging both the good and bad aspects of the past relationship. Practicing mindfulness and engaging in creative outlets can help them process emotions and find closure.

5. What can Libra do to move on from an ex?

Libras can benefit from focusing on self-discovery and spending time with supportive friends and family. Making decisions based on self-care and balance will aid in their healing process.

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